(c) 2007 von AZSoft (Armin Schmidhuber)
eMail: armin_schmidhuber (at) web (dot) de
Homepage http://www.a-zkaufhaus.de

Mame Hiscore Viewer and Hiscore Merger 
early test version - it only works with bombjack.hi (you will find it in the mame/hi directory)
on linux systems
please test it and give a feedback at the ZXMameCD Forum!

Download MHV (Mame Hiscore Viewer) linux
Linux Mame Hiscore Viewer
(dt.):  zeigt Hiscoreliste an (mom. nur von Bomb Jack)
Informationen - Installationsanleitung etc. - bitte downloaden und README

(engl:): shows Hiscorelist (Bomb Jack only)
for more informations please download the package and read the README

Download MHM (Mame Hiscore Merger) linux
Linux Mame Hiscore Merger

Liest zwei HiScorelisten von Bombjack ein und speichert die besten Scores wieder unter einer
neuen Liste! - Bedienungs- und Installationsanleitung bitte downloaden und README


you want to merge the hiscores of your friends with your own? just use this little tool - it reads the hiscore lists and creates a new one with the best scores of both lists.
for more information and usage please download the package and read the README
Mame Boot CD - ZXMameCD + ZXMameCD-64
Downloadpage ZXMameCD
ZXMameCD Forum - weiteres Forum

English ZXMameCD Doc + MameSDL Forum (english)
 MAME Hiscores "vereinen" - Hintergrundgeschichte+Howto (german)